- Lab
- Autre / Other
- Production year 2020
- Production format 16 mm
- Screening format DCP
- Duration 39′
- a Film
- by Andrius Zemaitis
- Description (english)
Synopsis This is a story about an orphan girl Alizava and her unfamiliar father, whose soul inhabits various things. In an abandoned mansion a childish ritual commences, erasing the line between the living and the dead. A silent dialogue between the girl and her father summons others. Who are they? Statement Film’s events transport the viewer back some decades ago, to an authentic clay quarry of Šaltiškis village and it’s surroundings in the region of Akmenė, Lithuania. We see a 7 year old orphan Alizava, living in odd circumstances with her grandfather. The girl’s daily life is full of solitude, but rich with images, sensibilities, childish rituals and secrets. Child’s untold longing for her unfamiliar parents is felt in the landscapes of clay quarry, and her daily games harbor undercurrents about the secret of life and death. Alizava’s relation with her environment is open and immediate depicted nature conceals foundations of the motherly, while ordinary objects – of fatherly archetypes. The viewer is not held by hand. In the film’s minimalist plot, similarly to the imagination of Alizava herself, symbols of death, life and family are intuitively intertwined. The rules driving film’s plot are left undisclosed, but the rhythm of visual and sound motifs invokes emotions, curiosity and fantasy, encourages the viewer to fill in missing pieces and create a meaning for that which is seen.
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