- Labs
- Autre / Other
- Production year 2024
- Production format 16 mm
- Screening formats 16 mm, Video
- Duration 3′
- a Film
- by Ж
- Description (english)
bombs like fireworks,
the artifice of televised war
in a soft, black sky,
perforations of light in the film’s velvet
for any serious reflection
the siderealconsider
in memory of the fallen in Gaza, the stars
- Description (other language)
bombas como fogos de artifício,
artifício da guerra televisionada
num céu preto e macio, furos de luz no veludo do filme
para qualquer reflexão séria, o sideralconsider (e)
aos caídos de Gaza, as estrelas
- Distribution Filmmaker
- Presentation link
- Video link
- Password You must be logged in as a programmer to see this password
- Contact the filmmaker(s)