Her* Hands and His Shape

  • Lab
  • Production year 2019
  • Production format Super-8
  • Screening format Super-8
  • Duration 14′
  • Her* Hands and His Shape

  • a Performance
  • by Masha Godovannaya, Sà­lvia das Fadas
  • Description (english) Cinema is an art of ghosts, it carries the potential to conjure and bring back the dead. In a dual screen phantasmagoria, «her* hands and his shape », we will conjure past and future ghosts of women who made films politically, or gave their presence to films politically. Their doubles will appear intertwined with landscapes and objects that once haunted us and will continue to do so every time they will be taken out of their suspended animation through the means of projection. We refuse to forget. We refuse to participate in the disenchantment of the world. Our hands scratched and shot new images while stealing images from others, in fresh and outdated film stocks. Our hands developed the images in the dark, negative and positive, shadows of shadows. Our eyes widened in view of the spectral images appearing in the surface of the film strips, and each time our disquiet hands will interfere and throw color and light to those images on screen. There’s no avoiding the ghosts in the machines; in moments of haunted liveness such as this all is doomed to disappear and return in other shapes. As soon as she crossed the bridge the phantoms came to meet her ‚
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