House of cinema

  • Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2018
  • Production format 8 mm
  • Screening format 8 mm
  • Duration 1′
  • House of cinema

  • an Installation
  • by Muge Yildiz
  • Description (english) This installation is inspired by a little cinema house in Adana, Turkey. The owner, the machinist and spectators guide me to think about perception of cinema. Bergson says that our perception goes towards the whole before the parts and when we perceive, we head towards the resemblance and then the individuals that resemble one another. He describes this process as ’embroidering upon similarity’. This embroidery is not only seen in our present perception but also in the memory-images that work with association/dissociation/division. Every object we perceive enters the fictitious mind, this is similar to an embroidery as well as an editing of a film. Film editing consists of frames which can be described as parts and these are chosen, cut, put together, and this process like the act of sewing continues until it forms a whole. Consisting of three works, this installation brings together geometrical shapes (square, circle, and triangle) that direct our perception to form a memory-image. This perception is achieved with a Super 8mm film projecting on an embroidery composed of disposed film strips and a film ticket of Jean-Luc Godard’s ‘The Image Book’. The reflected shapes overlap in a single movie frame and create a new kind of perception of cinema.
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