
  • Lab
  • Production year 2021
  • Production format 16 mm
  • Screening format 16 mm
  • Duration 14′
  • Kitikaka

  • a Film
  • by Florian Maricourt et Calypso Debrot
  • Description (english)

    Mimmo Ippolito doesn’t cut his nails, he has too much to think about. From his trullo, a round house with a pointed roof, he paints, draws, sings and writes stories. His world is made of scrub and prickly pear trees. Time is not of his concern. Mimmo is the keeper of the Cosmos horses.

  • Description (french)

    Mimmo Ippolito ne se coupe pas les ongles, il a trop à penser. Depuis son trullo, une maison ronde au toit pointu, il peint, il dessine, il chante et écrit des histoires. Son monde est fait de broussailles et de figuiers de barbaries. Le temps ne le concerne pas. Mimmo est le gardien des chevaux du Cosmos.

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