
  • Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2017
  • Production format Super-8
  • Screening format Other
  • Duration 7′
  • Lembranza

  • a Film
  • by Al Díaz
  • Description (english) Lembranza seizes the memories belonging to the family history of artists and builds on this intimacy to propose an essay about time, memory and the image. The relations, gestures and conditions shape an essential discussion about the art of cinema. Building on fragments found, recovered and rescued from old Super 8s, we tested the principles of the inner image, the one engraved in our conscience. The relations the I establishes with the filmic image and how that cinematographic truth takes us closer to the reality of a world between past, present and future.YesAUTRE / OTHER2017Super-8 Autre21,721420:21:42 Yaqdistribucionhttps://vimeo.com/172622062
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