On The Other Side of the Spoon
- a Film
- by Pierre Borel / Léa Lanoë
- Description (english) «-Is it a way of performing or a way of being to put yourself in the fragile position? – It just happens that you are in a position where you’re in the dark, completely in the dark, and you react to this. So people see you are in a fragile position, that’s all. They don’t know that you don’t know. It’s kind of like that. They feel this fragility. » This film is an hommage to Tristan Honsinger, a singular figure of the experimental music.
- Description (french) « -Parfois, quand je joue, je me retrouve dans le noir, complètement dans le noir ; et il faut trouver une solution. Les autres ne savent pas que je ne sais pas, en quelque sorte. Mais ils sentent cette fragilité.” Ce film est un hommage Tristan Honsinger, figure singulière de la musique expérimentale.