- an Installation
- by Bergernissen
- Description (english) Periphery is a film-installation that breaks down the medium to its elements – light, movement, image surface, projector. These components are dissolved and recomposed. Thus, film is exhibited as object and material, its physical properties become an aesthetic experience in itself. The installation consists of a turning film-sculpture that is projected upon and through by two 16mm projectors. The speed and the direction of the turn can be controlled. The sound comes from contact-microphones that are placed on the pro- jectors. We developed Periphery for the Finissage of the Videonale Parcours and later shown it at the t.b.a. (time based academy) at Kunsthalle DÜsseldorf/Salon des Amateurs, Weltkunstzimmer DÜsseldorf and Film-Museum DÜsseldorf.