Postcards from a Ghost

  • Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2013
  • Production format Video
  • Screening format Video
  • Duration 13′
  • Postcards from a Ghost

  • a Film
  • by Sydney Southam
  • Description (english)

    This experimental documentary was filmed while I was an artist-in-residence at Arteles Creative Centre in Finland during March of 2013. I was interested in the transitory nature of a residency, and what we as artists were searching for by coming there. I feel that the experience was a surreal, altered state of reality, and I am interested in why this is so appealing. In the midst of conducting interviews with my fellow artists, we were also developing alternate identities for ourselves as part of our performance art dance troupe, Lumi Crew. This work functions as a portrait of each artist individually, while also striving to understand the drive to create and the elusive dream of the “Art Life”.

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