• Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2014
  • No filled.
  • Duration 3′

  • a Film
  • by Antoni Pinent
  • Description (english) QR CODE / FILM Antoni Pinent, 2014 16mm, b/w, sound [43 film strips of 16mm / 24 fps / 3 minutes / 68’5 cm (high) x 68’8 cm (wide)] _________________________________________________________ 010000001100100000100001000010000001111000000101010 object – content – pattern binary code / projection – framed – reading content First work from the ‘QR CODE / FILM’ series. Following in the footsteps of classic authors such as Gil J. Wolman, Peter Kubelka or Tony Conrad, who worked with alternating white frames (transparent) with black (opaque) in the 50’s & 60’s (last Century). With this series, which starts with the basics of ‘cinema’ -the light and no light-, even pretend to step over that line of work metric, structuralist, conceptual or references to flicker, etc. But with the addition that fits into a new context, with new technologies, in which his -structure- content of the pattern obtained by its own title that generates your personal QR CODE (Quick Response Code), what would be the ‘New Barcode’. The original work is in 16mm film, you can enjoy both its projection (through devices that are found in almost all users, as SmartPhones, Tablets, etc.) and the classic dark room or as object-inert work, which is none other than the provision of 16mm filmstrips vertically placed one beside the other, encased in between two transparent Plexiglass plates. Reading, for projection, is from top to bottom and left to right (occidental reading). This disposition celebrates the first of the exhibits as Paul Sharits’s ‘Frozen Film Frames’ in 1965, who honors at its 50th anniversary. The road to get to this piece, into the path of Antoni Pinent, has been a natural route, having previously worked with these techniques work available as objectual ‘GIOCONDA / FILM’ (1999) or ‘KINOSTURM KUBELKA / 16 variaciones ‘(2009), as well as compositions in which modifies the spatial units of frames, such as in the use of technical’ film quartet ‘ editing. lightcone.org/en/film-7182-gioconda-film lightcone.org/en/film-6854-kinosturm-kubelka-16-variaciones
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