• Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2013
  • Production format Video
  • Screening format Video
  • Duration 6′
  • RBG

  • a Film
  • by Sara Bonaventura
  • Description (english) Official video for Marco Giotto aka Von Tesla (www.vontesla.com) self-titled track from Providing Needles album, on Enklav label (www.enklav.it) Open your eye-lips / lick the light /swallow the night A meta-vision, manipulating the digital, with feedbacks and analog effects rendered with polarized lenses, webcams, IR-cams and hand-made instruments. A tactile vision. A journey through a bizarre pupil at the limit between the natural and the synthetic. A synthesis (suggested by the chromatic one of the title) induced by music.
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