The Chase!

  • Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2012
  • Production format 16 mm
  • Screening format 16 mm
  • The Chase!

  • an Installation
  • by Ryder Thomas White
  • Description (english) The Chase! arose from research I did in my final year at Simon Fraser University into the first twelve years of cinema history, sometimes called ‚”Early Cinema” The fascination with technology, the emphasis on spectacle, and the determination of individual exhibitors to out-do one another and compete for audiences with their own enterprising contraptions spoke to a sense of wonder that I have always had for the medium. I designed and built this installation in the style of those early entrepreneurs and showed it publicly for the first time in a storefront (the late Trench Gallery) just steps from the storefront where the first movies in Vancouver BC were ever shown.
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