Triplete plástico

  • Lab
    • Autre / Other
  • Production year 2015
  • Production format Super-8
  • Screening format 16 mm
  • Duration 2′
  • Triplete plástico

  • a Film
  • by Ignacio Tamarit
  • Description (english) Over the years I painted super 8 film strips that for some reason I discarded and stored in boxes. After a while I wanted to give a new use to this material, or at least recycle it. So I started to view and select only the parts that interested me the most of all this footage. I ended up taking 3 frames here, 5 there and collected an entire folder of small frames. This film is like the work of an architect, building a building block, by splicing small blocks of frames, looking to collide with one another and create new images. At the same time, this film is an eulogy to the act of splicing, the aesthetics of the joint. Enjoy the splice of life!
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