
  • Lab
  • Production year 2018
  • Production format 16 mm
  • Screening format Multi-format
  • Duration 24′
  • Un.s.cene

  • a Film
  • by Leah Millar
  • Description (english) Un.s.cene journeys along the marginalised land spaces bordering a river, exploring ideas of trace, and connection to environment and social history through the post-industrial landscape. 16 mm film is employed as image substrate and structural material, buried and submerged in a process which has allowed the industrial contaminants that have irreversibly altered the landscape to interact with what is captured by the camera. Field recordings and electromagnetic readings of the river combine with these experimental images to create an embodied and rhythmic film which highlights hidden and unseen connections to a living ecological and industrial history. Filmed on the river Tyne, Un.s.cene follows the flow of power and socio-economic change down the river course.
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