Co.lab (Colirio Laboratório) is quite nomadic and is structured in – “free” but also precarious – spaces.
The lab had occurred in different baths, galleries, rented labs and houses.
The lab has had 3 phases or “dentition” (until today), 2011, 2013-16, 2017 on. The first moment was in 2011 after a Labor Berlin workshop in Recife. Then in 2013 there was an effort to reestablish the collective initiatives, shared knowledge etc. So the former members along with some new artists and filmmakers started to articulate this new foundation.
After 2016 some members moved to other cities and the lab members shared some equipment and started new alliances in other cities. Such was the partnership with Cinema Fisico (São Paulo), a group that investigated the creation of a film scanner with Raspberry Pi and laser printers/ CNC cutters. Also, it had an interesting operation mode as a “free store” in which the equipment was freely “rented” to non-members.
Co.lab (Colírio laboratório) has never changed its double bind situation, always precarious and mutable, but active and done with joy!