Laboratorio Reversible is a collective based in Barcelona, oriented towards the creation, experimentation, thinking, spreading and conservation of analog film. A place of meeting and work that aims to generate a community and to encourage possible sinergies among the members of the group, and among non members that share our interests.
The collective is open to all kind of proposals concerning analog film without any distinction of cinematographic genre. One of the main focus of our interest is film as a trade, because of its character of manual labor as well as because of the material dimension of its production process. That is the reason why we want to keep alive the tools and the knowledge needed to work with analog cinema, in collaboration and coexistence with digital cinema practices.
The laboratory will create, in this sense, a bank of tools and will facilitate the transmission of the knowledge needed to use them. The use of these tools will be communal, and they will be used to work in individual as well as in collective film projects.
Another of the interests of Reversible is programming analog film. Besides of having our own screening space, we would like to expand our programs, collaborating with other spaces throughout the city, with the purpose of establishing links and to generate fruitful interchanges. We consider that programming should be aware of the special features of the places and the audiences to which it is addressed.
Laboratorio Reversible will become a member of the international lab network [] with the purpose of interchanging knowledge, access to resources and materials.
Laboratorio Reversible is an associative and cooperative space where each member can contribute depending on his/her wishes, resources and capacity. This contribution may be knowledge (theoretical or technical), experience, time, materials, work force, etc. The implication of each one of the members does not have to be equal, that is, participating in the collective each one may give or take according to her/his singularity.
An association will be constituted in order to provide a legal concept to facilitate the access to resources for the organization of activities. This will be a non-profit association and its existence will be understood as a bureaucratic need. The decision making will be made with the participation of all the members in meetings, or through our mailing list.
The communal work needed for running the project will be divided in commissions with the purpose of sharing the different tasks and responsibilities. The communication of all the activities and decisions related to the project will be made in meetings and through our mailing list.
Concerning the economic aspects, the goal of Laboratorio Reversible is to become a self-sustained project, that is, a project that can generate the economic means necessary for its functioning. Nevertheless, at the beginning a contribution of the members may be needed. We also contemplate the possibility of establishing a membership fee.
· Self-production: gathering of filming material, construction of a processing laboratory, putting in operation of a flatbed editor and other tools of post-production, as well as projection equipment. · Learning: organizing workshops, seminars, panels and groups of study. · Dissemination: organization of screenings and publications. · Archive: recycling, recovery, conservation and re-editing of film.
Independent laboratory of analog cinema. Poble Sec, Barcelona. [ in construction ] · Screening room / Expanded programming.