- Organisation zur Umwandlung des Kinos e. V.
- Sector 16 Filmlab
- Häkenstr. 4
- 30952 Ronnenberg
- Germany
- website
- +49 511 3520702
The filmlab was founded in 1992 alongside a collectively run cinema. First called “Lichtblick 16 e. V.”, the lab was renamed shortly after, to include the more technical requirements needed to process a film: “sector 16 e. V. “. In 2008 the nonprofit association choose another name, to indicate the wider approach, filmmakers and society needs, “Organisation zur Umwandlung des Kinos e. V.” (organization for the transformation of the cinema), but the name for the laboratory remained as “sector 16”.
Whereas the cinema, known as “KINO im Sprengel” remains until today at the firstly occupied space in an old chocolate-factory, the lab was forced out of its former location at another old factory and is now located in a half-timbered house at the outskirts of Hannover in Empelde.
Though in the last millennia the labs initial funding could be obtained from state and country funds, with some side funding for workshops and screenings by the city, the neoliberal policies nowadays have left the sustaining of the lab fully to donations and private initiative, which sadly includes cost-cutting, but it still works to keep the film-club independent and running.
In all the years of its existence, the main goal of sector 16 was, not only to provide for independent filmmakers, but also to establish the medium film as art. With various workshops and screenings, the lab has been active to promote this approach to society. As indicated in the name, the laboratories equipment is mostly for the 16mm format, and it tries to be one of the many arks needed to preserve the possibility of sculpting in the film-format.
Over the years a wide variety of works and events have been accomplished at the lab: From expanded-cinema-performances to documentary films and “experimental” shorts, from Punk-movies and revolution-flicker to spiritual “fine”art, from the first individual scratches on celluloid to collaborate rejuvenation of classical cinema. One of the most notable is maybe the collective film “Geistzeit”, showing what it is, the artists running the lab are up to.
An even wider sociologically approach is taken by the nonprofit association, towards promotion of films that move the spirit, and thereby try to enhance humankind. The concept of films that move the spirit should not be taken to cover a specific genre. Instead, it describes the intention of the artist to give expression to his ideals, and because of this it requires breaking through all existing genres.
The concept of moving the spirit should never be seen as an endorsement of quality in relation to other films which are regarded as lacking spiritual content. Instead, it should be understood as a utopian concept with a perspective towards as yet unimagined possibilities of creating constructive, invigorating and spiritually inspiring films.
“Art that gives expression to the spiritual needs and hopes of humankind ultimately plays a decisive role in moral education.” (Andreï Tarkovsky)
The art of the moving images is probably predestined to be the basic tool to move the human soul, therefore the filmclub tries to be conscious of the responsibility the artists have for their audience.
In this regard the association has carried out some colloquia, notably the “Kolloquium für GEISTbewegenden Film” (Colloquium for Films that move the SPIRIT), and features a monthly paper « Magische Blätter » (Magical Leaflets).