• Filmwerkplaats
  • WORM
  • Boomgaardsstraat 71
  • 3012 XA Rotterdam
  • Holland
  • website
  • After celluloid has been declared a dead medium, filmmakers have saved equipment from the modernising powers for projection, development and recording, creating a free port for authentic filmmaking.

    At this moment, the WORM.filmstudio is one of a few places in Europe where you can work with Super8 and 16mm film.

    The roots of the film studio lay in experimental and D.I.Y. filmmaking. With the available equipment, all aspects and processes of filmmaking can be dealt with and a “no budget” work can be completed.

    The WORM.filmwerkplaats is an open studio in which you are allowed to work independently. Filmmakers and artists are free to use our equipment to be able to shoot, edit and complete an entire film at minimum cost. We can also act as a producer for film projects and assist in the production and completion of the films themselves.

    The filmwerkplaats regularly organizes workshops on experimental film, with international film-makers invited as visiting lecturers. The workshops offer beginning film-makers the opportunity to gloat at the celluloid. Experienced film-makers and artists will be bathed in the developing tray of various processes and film techniques.

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