Founded in 2016, Baltic Analog Lab is an artist collective and filmlab based in Riga, Latvia.
Uniting filmmakers and photographers interested in analog film and photography, Baltic Analog Lab aims to produce, teach and inspire an audience by providing a space for creation, learning and teaching.
It is equipped for shooting, processing, editing and screening of 16mm and 8mm film, and also for analog photography. There are two darkrooms, one studio area and one dark screening space.
A high focus of the lab is education and collaboration; this is maintained by regular workshops led by BAL members and foreigner guests, summer schools, film screenings and expanded cinema events. The main curatorial event of the lab is the experimental film festival Process, which happens in Riga since 2017. There are other regular events organized by the lab, where a crucial emphasis is put on interdisciplinary collaboration between analog filmmakers, musicians, poets, dancers and other artists.